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Last Update: December 13, 2019
Joined: December 13, 2019
The Blessing of God in the Life of Mr. Jerry Wells
God have blessed me to believe in the things, as they are most important to me, and the way I have chosen to live my life. He has blessed me to believe that I can accomplish anything through Christ, who strengthens... moreThe Blessing of God in the Life of Mr. Jerry Wells
God have blessed me to believe in the things, as they are most important to me, and the way I have chosen to live my life. He has blessed me to believe that I can accomplish anything through Christ, who strengthens me. He has given me many talents and the wisdom to use them well. He had blessed me with what it takes to overcome obstacles and to grow from every experience life brings my way. God has blessed me to believe that I will always be faithful to friends and family and to the values that have shaped my philosophy on life. God has blessed me in my courage, compassion, and strength of character. God has blessed me in my ability to get along very well with all personnel at school and I am good organizer with proven ability in getting school assignments accomplished on time and before time. Jerry is the most wonderful person in the world to talk with and laugh with, to work and share and love. There is a lot inside that I never can see and never know, but only... less
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The Blessing of God in my Life also buy a poetry book form my site
God have blessed me to believe in the things, as they are most important to me, and the way I have chosen to live my life. He has blessed me to believe that I can accomplish anything through Christ, who strengthens me. He has given me many talents and the wisdom to use them well. He had blessed me with what it takes to overcome obstacles and to grow from every experience life brings my way. God has blessed me to believe that I will always be faithful to friends and family and to the values that have shaped my philosophy on life. God has blessed me in my courage, compassion, and strength of character. God has blessed me in my ability to get along very well with all personnel at school and I am good organizer with proven ability in getting school assignments accomplished on time and before time. Jerry is the most wonderful person in the world to talk with and laugh with, to work and share and love. There is a lot inside that I never can see and never know, but only God sees the inside of my heart and he knows it is right. When the truth is really known, you will find that my heart is kind. I sometimes feel that hope is gone, as I sit alone and weep, then when my faith is low and I lose his trust. My true friend appears with a word of cheer and the sun comes out again. I know that kindness brings out all the worth of little things. I have an open mind, a friendly heart for all men-kind.
God has saved me and filled me with his Holy Spirit. I am a child of God an Ordained Deacon That in my time of trouble and sorrow, my heart is so close to God that God can know my very depth of sorrow and with a compassionate love that comes from God. Reach into my heart and give me comfort. I have patience, ability to teach, a love for comforts, a concern for my true life, my tenderness of trust that follows my through good and bad times. When you stop and think about it, God is like that too, completely equipped for every good work. "I have learned that God has standards of right and wrong higher than those common in this permissive world. It is God who heals man's bodies from sickness and disease. It is God who fights against Satan for man. It is God who gives peace in my life. God is the one who leads men through hard time. The Lord is the one who sets us apart and makes me Holy. The Lord is the one who keep me right